Publications (articles published in Q1 journals are in bold)
Matveevsky, S. N., Kolomiets, O. L., Shchipanov, N. A., & Pavlova, S. V. (2024). Natural male hybrid common shrews with a very long chromosomal multivalent at meiosis appear not to be completely sterile. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 342(1), 45-58.
Pavlova, S. V., Romanenko, S. A., Matveevsky, S. N., Kuksin, A. N., Dvoyashov, I. A., Kovalskaya, Y. M., Proskuryakova, A. A., Serdyukova, N. A., Petrova, T. V. Supernumerary Chromosomes Enhance Karyotypic Diversification of Narrow‐Headed Voles of the Subgenus Stenocranius (Rodentia, Mammalia) // Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution. - 2024
Shchipanov, N. A., Artamonov, A. V., Titov, S. V., & Pavlova, S. V. (2023). Fluctuating fine‐scale spatial genetic structure in the common shrews (Eulipotyphla, Mammalia). Integrative Zoology, 18(3), 469-492.
Mahmoudi, A., Golenishchev, F. N., Malikov, V. G., Arslan, A., Pavlova, S. V., Petrova, T. V., & Kryštufek, B. (2022). Taxonomic evaluation of the “irani–schidlovskii” species complex (Rodentia: Cricetidae) in the Middle East: A morphological and genetic combination. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 300, 1-11.
Shchipanov, N. A., Demidova, T. B., Artamonov, A. V., & Pavlova, S. V. (2022). Seasonal and interannual survivorship in the common shrew: the early bird catches the worm. Mammalian Biology, 1-13.
Pavlova S. V. et al. High diversity of small insectivorous mammals on Qinghai–Tibet Plateau and first description of karyotype for four endemics of China //Scientific Reports. – 2021. – Т. 11. – №. 1. – С. 24496.
Romanenko, S. A., Lebedev, V. S., Bannikova, A. A., Pavlova, S. V., Serdyukova, N. A., Feoktistova, N. Y., ... & Graphodatsky, A. S. (2021). Karyotypic and molecular evidence supports the endemic Tibetan hamsters as a separate divergent lineage of Cricetinae. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 10557.
Raspopova A.A., Bannikova A.A., Sheftel B.I., Kryštufek B,. Kouptsov A.V., Illarionova N.A., Pavlova S.V., Lebedev V.S. A never-ending story of the common shrew: searching for the origin // Mammal Research. - 2020. - V. 65 - №. 9: 729–742
DOI. 10.1007/s13364-020-00498-8
Щипанов, Н. А., Артамонов, А. В., Титов, С. В., & Павлова, С. В. (2020). Пространственно-генетическое структурирование популяции у обыкновенной бурозубки Sorex araneus (Lipotyphla, Mammalia): изменчивость микросателлитных маркеров. Генетика, 56(8), 922-932.
Shchipanov N. A. et al. Hybrid zone between the Sok and Serov chromosomal races of the common shrew Sorex araneus (Lipotyphla, Mammalia) in European Russia //Russian Journal of Genetics. – 2019. – Т. 55. – С. 451-463.
Bannikova AA, Jenkins PD, Solovyeva EN, Pavlova SV, Demidova TB, Simanovsky SA, Sheftel BI, Lebedev VS, Fang Y, Dalen L, Abramov AV/ Who are you, Griselda? A replacement name for a new genus of the Asiatic short-tailed shrews (Mammalia, Eulipotyphla, Soricidae): molecular and morphological analyses with the discussion of tribal affinities// ZooKeys - 2019 - V. 888: 133–158
Махров, А. А., Артамонова, В. С., Бобров, В. В., Коблик, Е. А., Лебедев, В. С., Павлова, С. В., & Шефтель, Б. И. (2019). От субтропиков до тайги и тундростепей: путешествие по горам Циньлин и восточной окраине Тибета. Природа, (3), 70-83.
Shchipanov, N. A., & Pavlova, S. V. (2019). Role of population structuring in the formation of karyotypic diversity of the common shrew Sorex araneus (Lipotyphla, Mammalia). Russian Journal of Ecology, 50, 115-125.
Pavlova, S. V., & Shchipanov, N. A. (2019). New karyotypes of the common shrew Sorex araneus (Lipotyphla, Mammalia) at the northern periphery of the species range in European Russia. Mammal Research, 64(3), 455-459.
Pavlova, S. V., Biltueva, L. S., Romanenko, S. A., Lemskaya, N. A., Shchinov, A. V., Abramov, A. V., & Rozhnov, V. V. (2018). First cytogenetic analysis of lesser gymnures (Mammalia, Galericidae, Hylomys) from Vietnam. Comparative Cytogenetics, 12(3), 361.
Barbosa, S., Paupério, J., Pavlova, S. V., Alves, P. C., & Searle, J. B. (2018). The Microtus voles: Resolving the phylogeny of one of the most speciose mammalian genera using genomics. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 125, 85-92.
Pavlova, S. V., Borisov, S. A., Timoshenko, A. F., & Sheftel, B. I. (2017). “European” race-specific metacentrics in East Siberian common shrews (Sorex araneus): a description of two new chromosomal races, Irkutsk and Zima. Comparative Cytogenetics, 11(4), 797.
Matveevsky, S. N., Pavlova, S. V., Atsaeva, M. M., Searle, J. B., & Kolomiets, O. L. (2017). Dual mechanism of chromatin remodeling in the common shrew sex trivalent (XY 1Y 2). Comparative Cytogenetics, 11(4), 727.
Romanenko, S. A., Serdyukova, N. A., Perelman, P. L., Pavlova, S. V., Bulatova, N. S., Golenishchev, F. N., ... & Graphodatsky, A. S. (2017). Intrachromosomal rearrangements in rodents from the perspective of comparative region-specific painting. Genes, 8(9), 215.
Pavlova, S. V., Aniskin, V. M., & Shchipanov, N. A. (2017). A new chromosomal race of the common shrew Sorex araneus (Lipotyphla, Mammalia) found in Russia. Russian journal of genetics, 53, 1374-1377.
Bulatova, N. S., Pavlova, S. V., Potapov, S. G., & Gromov, A. R. (2017). Nucleolar organizing regions (NORs) of common vole chromosomes as nuclear markers of genome differentiation in data from a hybrid zone of two karyoforms, arvalis and obscurus. Russian Journal of Genetics, 53, 736-739.
Shchipanov, N. A., & Pavlova, S. V. (2017). Density-dependent processes determine the distribution of chromosomal races of the common shrew Sorex araneus (Lipotyphla, Mammalia). Mammal Research, 62, 267-282.
Bulatova, N. S., & Pavlova, S. V. (2016). A possible cytogenetic analogy to genomic" speciation islands" as revealed by chromosome study of a natural hybrid vole. Цитология, 58(5), 412-415.
Павлова, С. В., Тумасьян, Ф. А., & Щипанов, Н. А. (2014). Разнообразие хромосомных вариантов у обыкновенной бурозубки Sorex araneus (Eulipotyphla, Mammalia) на Европейской территории России. Поволжский экологический журнал, (4), 555.
Булатова, Н. Ш., Павлова, С. В., Романенко, С. А., Сердюкова, Н. А., Голенищев, Ф. Н., Малыгин, В. М., & Лавренченко, Л. А. (2013). МОЛЕКУЛЯРНО-ЦИТОГЕНЕТИЧЕСКИЕ МАРКЕРЫ КРИПТИЧЕСКИХ ВИДОВ И ГИБРИДОВ НАДВИДОВОГО КОМПЛЕКСА ОБЫКНОВЕННЫХ ПОЛЕВОК MICROTUS ARVALIS S. L. Цитология, 55(4), 268-270.
Pavlova, S. V. (2013). Cytogenetic analysis of a hybrid zone between the Moscow and Neroosa races of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) differing by a single WART-like chromosome rearrangement. Цитология, 55(4), 271-274.
Shchipanov, N. A. (2013). Contact zones and ranges of chromosomal races of the common shrew, Sorex araneus, in north-eastern European Russia. Folia Zoologica, 62(1), 24-35.
Бобрецов А. В. и др. Морфологическая дифференциация обыкновенной бурозубки (Sorex araneus) на северо-востоке европейской части России //Зоологический журнал. – 2012. – Т. 91. – №. 5. – С. 605-605.
Shchipanov N. A. et al. Small mammals at the southeast of Tver oblast. Brief note 2. Diversity, population density and biomass //Contemporary Problems of Ecology. – 2012. – Т. 5. – С. 92-96.
Shchipanov N. A. et al. Small mammals of the southeast Tver Oblast. Communication 1. The fauna and biotopic distribution //Contemporary Problems of Ecology. – 2010. – Т. 3. – С. 587-592.
Щипанов Н.А. , Купцов А.В., Демидова Т.Б., Калинин А.А., Александров Д. Ю., Павлова С. В. Нерезидентность и расселение у обыкновенных бурозубок (Sorex araneus, Insectivora) //Зоологический журнал. – 2008. – Т. 87. – №. 3. - C. 331-343.
Bystrakova N. V. et al. New data on the geographic distribution of chromosome races of Sorex araneus (Soricidae, Eulipotyphla) in European Russia //Russian Journal of Theriology. Русский териологический журнал. – 2007. – Т. 6. – №. 1. – С. 105-109.
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